Precocious Post of The Week!

Youtubers I Watch// Favorite Netflix Shows//TV Shows

Good Day Gamers!!!         I failed once again, I was suppposed to upload a minecraft pictures post, yet I failed. I went on a little roa...

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Anti-Boyfriend Tag

Good Day Gamers!!!

        It might be obvious due to my hobbies, but I don't have a significant other. I am perfectly fine being alone but on the other hand I think maybe having a boyfriend would be pretty fun! I thought this would be fun to do (My opinions and preferences are not universal preferences, and there is someone out there for everyone) Enjoy!!

1. What is the one (most important) quality you look for in guys?
Kindness, A sense of humor, sensitivity to my feelings. a good listener
2. What quality is a turn off?
Someone who has no filter, and someone who can't be serious in any situation
3. What physical feature do you notice on the opposite sex first?
Eyes, and nose
4. Describe your dream date.
A nice movie and some ice cream would be perfect, I always think a first date should be a group activity just to prevent things from moving too fast.
5. Who would your celebrity boyfriend be?
Eddie Redmayne, Josh Dunn and Brendon Urie
6. What is your relationship ‘deal breaker?’ (Something that you might end a relationship because of)
Drugs, smoking, cheating
7. What is your relationship ‘deal maker?’ (Something you would like a guy to do in a relationship)
As cliche as it is, I think flattery and humor is always pleasant.
8. What eye and hair color do you prefer?
I like dark hair and light eyes, I think green eyes are gorgeous.
9. He buys you a gift. What would it be?
I think flowers, chocolates or a plushie is lovely
10. Would you say you have a type? If so, what is your type?
I like the geeky, athletic guy, I don't know, I don't really have a type. 

Well this was certainly different that anything I have ever done, and I hope you all enjoyed it! What characteristics do you like in a partner?

Thank you all so much for the support!
Peace, Love, and Pixels!!!

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