Today I am doing something different, I never am too vocal about my beliefs, mainly because I get judged every time I talk about my interpretation of equality. Please keep an open mind, and lets try not to be so quick to judge and listen please.
I hear it all the time, "Feminism is Female Superiority not equality.", I strongly disagree with this ignorant message, you would avoid sounding absurd if you had just read the definition.
-the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men
(This definition was pulled straight from google nothing was edited at all)
Feminism in the Media: I think feminism is still needed today everywhere, In the US, in India, in China, In Iran, everywhere. Equality should always be a goal, among everyone. The day when every one is treated equally is when the world will be the happiest. A lot of people on Youtube like to think that "Feminism is Cancer" and "Feminism is not synonymous to women's rights". A popular youtuber likes to make videos talking about "Cringy Feminists" and "Butthurt Feminists." The similarity with all of these videos that they make, is that the feminists in these videos aren't feminists, they are man hating misogynists wanting more rights than men. That't not feminism, if you had read the definition it would be obvious. Anyone wanting more rights than another gender is misogyny, its unjust and unfair.
Feminazis and Feminist Men: Think of what a feminist protest would look like, a lot of single women running aloof spitting in men's faces, similar to your's right? Feminazis are "radical feminists", a normal peaceful feminism protest looks like this ( I typed feminist protest in google and I chose the second picture because the first picture had a derogatory term)
Contrary to popular beliefs, men can and should be feminists too. Feminism isn't just about female rights, like egalitarianism, if something is benefitting women and unjust towards men then that is misogynistic and also sexist.
The Anti Feminist Tumblr Debate:
A popular thing on social media was women holding up signs saying why they don't need feminism for some odd reason. The reasons are pretty dumb, I could give you one hundred reasons why we need feminism, yet we would be here all day. Anyways take a look.
First off not a lot of feminists care if you stay at home to watch your family, and no one is harassing your husband, Why would someone harass someone for working? The feminists who want jobs will work, and that's their life. Plus there are a lot of other reasons to be a feminist, not just jobs.
I will say it again, Feminism is NOT supremacy or superiority, if you have read the definition you would had known that. You can't change the definition of feminism just because you don't agree with it. Also Feminism is all about equality. Also all of the "feminists" believing in supremacy aren't feminists at all.
I also don't believe being a woman is a disadvantage, and it isn't. Just because we are fighting for equality doesn't mean we think we should be men or something other than a woman.
So you like being harassed on the street by a random person? Pashionista did a survey among 811 women and only three said they weren't harassed. Also being a feminist doesn't mean you will get any less compliments. Being a feminist also doesn't mean you won't get any catcalls, but because of feminists , they have been working to cancelling catcalls. I am pretty sure she is one of the only ladies that likes to be catcalled. A lot of ladies find it scary and obnoxious and definitely not a compliment.
I saw this on google and started hysterically laughing. I don't understand why he doesn't need feminism, or how this explanation even correlates with the idea of Feminism. But its cute that his mommy handed him a paper and he modeled it!
Okay, so equality isn't a big enough fight? Also if your representation isn't correct than you can represent yourself as you would like to be seen. Also its pretty stereotypical that you call all feminists a hysterical hipster. Also if you are calling a feminist a whore, then that is unjust and unfair. Who cares what a ladies sexual life is like. These labels are misogynistic and yet another reason why we need feminism.
I could go on forever but we have to move along, so this is our last picture. No, men are not the enemy, and no feminist thinks that men are. Again only misogynists would think that men are the enemy. And no feminism is obligatory, yet I think everyone should be advocating rights for everyone! Also if you have the same rights as men, why would people comment on your looks, or call you derrogatory names only because you are a woman. I would love to see you prove you have the same rights as men. And no I don't think Feminism is a battle of the most oppressed yet, when you are spreading lies, I have to debunk it
Reasons to be a Feminist:
To close off this lengthy post, I would love to end on a positive note, why you should be a feminist. Benefits of being a feminist and reasons why feminism is not superior female rights.
I love this picture, because she understands how misunderstood (kind of an oxymoron, oh well) Feminism is.
Whether its racism or sexism, no one should feel threatened
I am so happy, she addressed this! Its not fair that people of the opposite sex are assumed to be lovers, and no one needs a partner to be happy!
Yeah right! NO one was equal back then with the castes and the gender roles, that is one era I would never like to visit.
Its sad how much of a strain is put on little girls to look pretty or look their best, or being too skinny or being too chubby. What we need to teach our daughters and sons is that they are beautiful no matter what.
I think this is funny and very informative. Women have had such a giant part in our history yet history books and some teachers choose to ignore that.
Its disgusting that we need an explanation of why rape happened, instead of acting like its the victims fault we should fault the rapist and put them where they belong; in jail.
I absolutely hate it when people assume I am PMSing when I am angry or agitated. I am frustrated over what you said, not what my body is going through.
It's unexcusable to be treated differently or worse for your gender
I am so sick and tired of hearing the derrogative word "Pussy" as weak, why do we have to connotate weak with the female anatomy? Also Throwing like a girl is a compliment because girls throw more accurately!
If you take anything out of this post, please please PLEASE understand the meaning of feminism. Feminism is equality not superiority. It breaks my heart to see people suffering because of their gender, and it shouldn't be like that. Lets treat everyone fairly. We are all humans we all make mistakes. But everyone should have a fair chance to a fair just life. Feminism raises awareness towards serious subjects like rape, wage gaps, slut-shaming, etc. Feminism makes you sound cool. And no feminism is not a fad, and equality will never go out of style!
Thank you all so much for reading my post, if you like my sort of rants or tangents please comment, I would love to hear from you! If you disagree with me, I would like to hear your rebuttal, but I don't see how equality can be negotiated. I know feminism started out as a women's problem and movement but now everyone should fight for everyone, if you someone harassed or bullied for their gender, stand up for them. People need friends and sometimes a little push in the right direction of equality can change the world forever!
Peace, Love and Pixels!
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